Family Vacation in Singapore


One month ago, my family traveled to Singapore for a four-day vacation.  The whole process of preparing before the actual travel was quite stressful for me because of the growing technology.  

In my last travel in 2019, the process was uncomplicated.  That time, I only had to check in at home to avoid the long queue and the hassle of checking in at the airport.  At the airport, I just had to pay the travel tax, then check in the luggage with the airport staff, then proceed to Immigration, then wait at the boarding gate. 

However, this time, there are things that I needed to do before the day of the departure.  Three days before departure, I had to do online processing like getting the e-travel QR code, filling out the Singapore Arrival Card, aside from the usual checking in before leaving for the airport.  We also had to do that in Singapore before going back to Manila.  The e-travel QR code, the Singapore Exit Card, checking in before leaving for the airport. 

Because these things are new to me, and me being almost 79, felt the stress, unlike my daughters because they are very familiar with digital things.  I felt the need to keep up with the growing technology.  If I don't, I will be left behind, which is not good.  My daughters wanted me to do it by myself so I would learn.  The knowledge that I had acquired during my 40s, 50s and 60s are not enough to keep up with the times.  In fact, they are already obsolete!  Technology is fast growing.

My family flew to Singapore in three batches:  First were my second born and her family of three who arrived in Singapore late afternoon;  the following day my firstborn and her husband followed and arrived there before noon, then later that day, my husband and I together with my brother and my firstborn’s son, and we arrived there late afternoon.

            Rose, Ted & Sam at NAIA leaving for Singapore

Jen & Jeff arriving at Changi airport

                                                    Bay, Gilbert, Jed & I arriving at Changi Airport

Every day was a busy day for us.  Busy walking in going to different places.  My second born with her family were able to go to more places simply because they arrived ahead of us.    

Beach Station Sentosa where we experienced the Sensoryscape
June 16, 2024 at the hotel lobby just before leaving for church

June 16, 2024 at CCF on Fathers' Day, the children honoring their fathers
Singapore is the only first world country in Southeast Asia.  When I think of first world countries, I would think that these countries are cold.  But not in Singapore.  It was hot there, just like in the Philippines.  However, although the country has hot climate, it is clean. 
At the beautiful Gardens by the Bay
Gardens by the Bay


Gardems by the Bay


                                                                                    Gardens by the Bay

                                                                                                              Cloud Forest at GBTB
The Singaporeans have adopted the culture of western countries like diners in restaurants must clear the tables after eating.  They have to put away their plates and utensils in a designated place where the restaurant staff would pick them up for washing.


                                                                                    Breakfast at Baliester Road just across our hotel
                                                                       Bus ride going to Ana's place (27 stops before we reached her place)


At Ana's place

Singapore is a small country as compared with the Philippines.  The population of Singapore is 5.6 million, while the Philippines is 119 million.  

                                                                                                  At the Marina Bay Sands

                                                                                                          With the Merlion

                                                                                                           The Esplanade

                                                                                      Our last dinner at Makansutra Gluttons Bay 
Ana Gonzales, a very good friend of my daughters, was always with us, acting as tour guide, making our time in Singapore pleasant and we were able to go to the different beautiful places like the Beach Station Sentosa, Gardens by the Bay, the Marina Bay Sands, the Merlion, Esplanade.  Thank you Ana for the sumptuous lunch at your place.  We are indeed very grateful for your time and generosity.

There is so much more to see in this country, but our time was limited, and we had to go back home.

                                                                           June 18, 2024 at Changi airport waiting to board our plane












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