The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and that we are not our own, that the Lord Jesus Christ bought us with His precious blood when He died on the cross to save us from the penalty of sin. That’s why we need to take care of our bodies. Taking care of our bodies is one way of honoring God. We must be careful with the food we eat, and we must do exercises to keep our bodies fit. 

I remember in 2002 I started jogging/brisk walking at the Marikina Sports oval. I was able to do up to 20 rounds of the oval (8 kilometers). However, I stopped after about six years, and when I resumed in 2013 doing the 20 rounds, I had an injury that made my knees swell and I was limping. Someone told me that I was doing it the wrong way because I never did stretching before jogging/walking. Since then, I stopped. 

But last year, the Covid-19 pandemic compelled people to stay inside their homes. Thinking that I had to exercise so as not to feel weak, with face mask on, I started walking around the subdivision. I did it in the mornings before eating breakfast for 30 minutes to one hour. 

However, I stopped again after less than three months because I had a mini-stroke. Because of this, Jen advised me not to go out of the house alone. She said if I wanted to resume my morning walks within the subdivision, I needed to be with someone. As everybody was busy in the morning, it was difficult to find someone who could walk with me. 

Jen forwarded to me a video for “Best Daily Exercises for Seniors At Home”. So three months ago, I started doing the exercises in my bedroom every morning. Last month, I noticed that I no longer felt pain on my knees while going up and down our 4-storey house. Wow! Is that the result of the exercises I have been doing? I certainly think so. 

I think I will continue this activity as long as my body is able to do it. I am now 75 years old, I hope that as long as I am still around, I can still continue doing this. 

Thank you dear Lord for waking me up each morning, and giving me strength for the day so that I am able to do whatever I needed to do each day.


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