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I will be the same until your old age, and I will bear you up when you turn gray.   I have made you, and I will carry you;  I will bear and rescue you.  (Isaiah 46:4) It is now 2024.   E ight years had passed since I became compliant with the first part of Psalm 90:10:   “The days of our lives are seventy years”. I am quoting below what I have read from the Seniors’ Devotional Bible. “Contrary to popular thinking, God never meant old age to be a curse.  Nor was the physical process of aging meant to be hidden out of embarrassment by the excessive use of cosmetics or cosmetic surgery.  To be old was not meant to be a cause of shame; rather the Bible presents old age as a state to be desired for oneself and honored by others.  Indeed, the only   one of the Ten commandments connected with a promise offers long life as the incentive (Exodus 20:12). William F. Buckley, Jr.  stated something to the effect that, ‘while a love of life is healthy, a veneration of age is idolatr

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Feeling blessed, thank you Lord for everything!